Tikkun Olam Tours

Tikkun Olam Tours

The Areyvut Tikkun Olam Tour is a unique program that brings families together for a marathon of chesed projects.  The Tikkun Olam Tour is special in that it exposes its participants to various types of volunteering that exist in their community and have a great impact on the world at large.

Last year’s program enabled participants to participate in three different levels of tzedakah – from connecting with residents in elder care on a local level, to making cards for both donors and recipients of bone marrow and blood stem cells on a national level, to making gifts to brighten the day for someone in need in Israel at an international level.

If you are looking for an innovative way to get involved in chesed and our Tikkun Olam Tour, please contact Daniel Rothner at (201) 244-6702 or daniel@areyvut.org.