
Jewish Teenagers and Money

Posted on February 2, 2011

Today Targum Shlishi sent an announcement to their list aboutH.O.P.E. (Helping Organizations Provide Essentials), Areyvut’s Jewish Teen Philanthropy Program at Yeshivat Noam that they supported last year. I am grateful to Targum Shlishi for their ongoing support and for facilitating this important program and am pleased to include the announcement below. (Miami, FL) February 2, Continue Reading »

Jewish Philanthropy in 2011: Some Thoughts

Posted on January 31, 2011

Today eJewish Philanthropy had an article from Felicia Herman from The Natan Fund. I enjoyed her piece and hope it creates a dialogue within the Jewish philanthropic world and that it includes people, groups and agencies that are generally not included in such dialogues.

Areyvut names b’nai mitzvah project winners

Posted on January 30, 2011

The Bnai Mitzvah supplement to The Jewish Standard recognized the winners of our recent Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest. We thank the Standard for their help, support and partnership and for always emphasizing and highlighting communal leadership and involvement.

Miracle League of Greater Hartford Makes a Pitch

Posted on January 28, 2011

One of the Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest winners last year was Marcus Apter who was raising awareness and money for a special baseball field for his local little league. Through my Google alert on Mitzvah Projects today I saw this article and see that Marcus was a key person in bringing this project to Continue Reading »

Involve Your Kids in Charitable Giving

Posted on January 25, 2011

Newsweek had an article about involving your children in charitable giving that may be of interest to parents and those that work with teens and children. We suggest numerous ways to get kids involved connected to the chagim and thank Newsweek for addressing this important topic.

And the Winners Are…

Posted on January 20, 2011

It’s mid-January and that can only mean one thing…we’re ready to announce our 2010 Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest winners.  This year we had entries submitted to us from California to Florida, Maryland to Massachusetts.  There are innovative and unique projects going on all over the country and we hope you take the opportunity to Continue Reading »

Answering the call to greatness

Posted on January 20, 2011

Today Lynn Schusterman had an op-ed in the JTA about her service experience on MLK Day of Service. In it she writes: “This is what makes service so unique, what gives it four intrinsic qualities not seen in virtually any other human endeavor: It is something everyone can do. Anyone can spend a few hours Continue Reading »

How to Evaluate a Charity

Posted on January 18, 2011

Sean Stannard-Stockton had an interesting blog post today. I think this question is one that every rabbi should speak about, teachers can discuss with their class and an issue that every teen philanthropy program should address. Tzedakah, Inc. has several resources to help you answer this question using Jewish texts.

LA Here I Come

Posted on January 17, 2011

Even though Areyvut is based in New Jersey we have always had a broad reach. We have impacted many communities including Los Angeles. We have several LA based agencies listed in our database of Mitzvah Projects. We have worked with them and others to help LA Bnai Mitzvah celebrants find meaningful and tailor made Mitzvah Continue Reading »

5 Tips for School Administrators in 2012

Posted on January 16, 2011

     These “5 Tips for School Administrators,” that James Brauer lists for us in this article, can also be applied to any leader in the non-profit world as well.  This article is well worth reading and bookmarking in order to remember what are the important things both at work and at home.  The two Continue Reading »