
Professionalizing a Passion

Posted on September 29, 2014

Experiential Jewish Education has gone from a passionate way of teaching, to a recognized way of making the Jewish experience meaningful for students.  This article is all about professionalizing Experiential Jewish Education and not only teaching with passion, but with skills that come from knowledge of the methods of experiential education through programs.

NFTY Inspires a Venture Philanthropist

Posted on September 28, 2014

The lasting impact of a Jewish youth movement on one philanthropist (Laura Lauder) is brought forth in this article.  We should never underestimate the power of Jewish programming since it often becomes the lasting foundation of Jewish life and values for many young adults.

Are You Listening To Your Board Members?

Posted on September 27, 2014

Listening to your board members, and realizing the strengths and weaknesses of each individual, can allow you to delegate tasks more effectively, and see more success in the organization.  More can be found about this at the article here.

The Top Five Truths of Leadership

Posted on September 23, 2014

These five truths of leadership are things we can all learn from. 1) The leader sets the tone2) The lay board’s support of a Head of School (or any other organization) is critical to his or her success3) There should be more training on how to give and receive feedback4) Leading in a Jewish day Continue Reading »

Boards Are Terrible At Their Most Important Job

Posted on September 22, 2014

This article lays down the groundwork for how a Board can start out on the right foot, with its new leader.  A strong foundation can make for a successful nonprofit, and making roles and expectations clear from the beginning are highly recommended. 1. Lay the groundwork for the new leader2. Collectively set priorities3. Get clear on roles4. Continue Reading »

Building a Culture of Philanthropy

Posted on September 19, 2014

The title of this article says it all.  The article’s author, Anna Pikovsky, is in Las Vegas helping build up the community’s culture of philanthropy and provides us with her tips on how to do so as well.

7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year

Posted on September 15, 2014

These 7 questions are useful for teachers to ask their students’ parents at the beginning of the year to help gain insight into the children and their needs.  Read the article, by Elena Aguilar in Edutopia, for more. 1. What do you see as your child’s greatest strengths or skills?  Tell me about a time when Continue Reading »

5 Steps for Having Tough Conversations

Posted on September 9, 2014

Having tough conversations with coworkers, employees, teachers, bosses, and family can be intimidating.  This article in SmartBlog, on Leadership, by Mary Jo Asmus, provides 5 steps for having tough conversations.  Click to read more about the 5 steps in depth. 1. Set an intention for your behavior2. Breathe3. Let go4. Be respectfully direct5. Listen

Five Things You May Not Know About Jews and Philanthropy

Posted on September 1, 2014

This article opens our eyes to how our fellow Jews view philanthropy and who they donate to as well.  One thing I find particularly interesting is that many donors don’t call their values “Jewish” but rather attribute their giving nature to their family traditions.  It’s important to remember that philanthropy is indeed a Jewish value and we can all be proud Continue Reading »

How to Keep Rockstar Employees from Leaving

Posted on August 29, 2014

This LinkedIn article provides tips for keeping your star employees happy and wanting to stay at your workplace.  The tips are good overall ideas for making any and every employee happy.