We developed these resources to help you, your family, students and commUNITY enhance your Yom Kippur experience and this time period and begin the New Year 5785 with meaning. We hope they help you educate, engage, motivate and inspire others to action.
To download please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the downward facing arrow.
We encourage you to use these questions during this season and throughout the year to meaningfully engage your family, friends and colleagues.
If you gain from this content and want to partner with us to continue to actively add light to the world daily, please make a tax-deductible contribution at https://areyvut.org/donate/ to support our resources and commUNITY efforts. Donations can also be made via Donor Advised Funds (Areyvut’s EIN is 37-1463393) or via a check mailed to Areyvut, 147 South Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621. Please e-mail info@areyvut.org to get instructions as to how you can donate securities. Please invest in Areyvut’s work with a donation that is meaningful for you.
As always, we welcome your feedback and would love to hear how these impacted and added to your discussion, celebration and experience. E-mail us at info@areyvut.org.
We wish you and all of Am Yisrael an easy and meaningful fast, a Shana Tova, a wonderful, healthy, happy, peaceful, prosperous, purposeful and productive New Year, one where we all actively add light to the world daily.
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