Key Idea of the Week, 5781

Monday, November 9, 2020

22 Mar Cheshvan 5781

5781 began by Areyvut posting infographics of Rabbi Sacks Key Idea of the Week that he developed and highlighted in 5780 via his Covenant & Conversation series.  The goal of this effort is to educate, engage, motivate and inspire others every parsha and week of the year.

We were deeply pained to hear that Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (HaRav Ya’akov Zvi ben David Arieh z’’l) passed away early this past Shabbat, November 7, 2020, morning, Mar Cheshvan 5781.

Rabbi Sacks was among the world’s leading exponents of Judaism for a global audience.  His sweet yet deeply reverberating voice taught Torah to millions.  He brought a widespread understanding to the relevancy of Torah, religious values and God in our contemporary society.  Rabbi Sacks’s prolific writings and teachings offered Jewish wisdom to the masses.  He had a tremendous impact on us, our work and people throughout the world as he was the most eloquent spokesperson for the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam.  We mourn his loss, but his grand voice of Torah will live on through all the lives elevated and inspired by his teaching.

We hope and pray that his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.  We along with all Klal Yisrael (the Jewish people) join in their grief.

There is no statement or article that can adequately describe the void left by his loss.  We can only commit ourselves – as individuals and as a community – to be guided by the example he set and the lessons he taught us.

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