Areyvut develops content to educate, engage, motivate and inspire others to action. We are pleased to share this resource on the parsha (weekly Torah portion) in the hopes that it can actively help youth directors, youth workers and those that run and facilitate youth groups in synagogues and simultaneously teach children from a young age about the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam. It can also be used by day school educators teaching the weekly parsha as well as parents and grandparents to meaningfully engage their children and grandchildren. Rather than monetize this curriculum, we made the conscious decision to make it readily available for free. We kindly request that when you use this you give proper attribution to Areyvut and that if you benefit from this that you consider including Areyvut in your charitable giving so that we can continue develop resources to actively help you and others meaningfully make a difference. Tax deductible contributions can be made at and every donor and dollar is greatly appreciated. We entourage you to use this resource and as always welcome your feedback. To download click the downward facing arrow below. Please contact us at [email protected] to let us know how you used this and to share any reflections.
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