We developed these resources to help you, your family, students, congregants and commUNITY enhance your Chanukah. We hope they help you actively educate, engage, motivate and inspire others to action. This year our thoughts are with Israel, the chayalim, those recovering, mourning, the hostages, their families, every Israeli and all of Am Yisrael. As such we developed a myriad of ways to think about and meaningfully Israel as part of your Chanukah. We encourage you to use and widely share these resources and to leave an empty seat at your Chanukah table for a hostage. Visit https://www.seatsofhope.net/ for more information on how to participate in this important initiative. Am Yisrael Chai.
To download the content please click on the downward facing arrow.
Visit here to access the 2020 Chanukah resources, here for the 2021 tools and last years resources are available here. We encourage you to share this with family, friends and colleagues and ask that when you do you please credit us.
If you gain from this content and want to actively partner with us to continue to actively add light to the world daily, please make a contribution at https://areyvut.org/donate/ to support our resources and commUNITY efforts.
As always, we welcome your feedback and would love to hear how these impacted and added to your Chanukah. E-mail us at [email protected].
Am Yisrael Chai.
Israel Related Chanukah Resources
[pdf-embedder url=”https://areyvut.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/chanukah-israel-23.pdf” title=”chanukah israel 23″]
General Chanukah Resources
[pdf-embedder url=”https://areyvut.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/chanukah-social-posts-23.pdf” title=”chanukah social posts 23″]