website builder This Dave & Buster’s Power Card can be used at any location and has no expiration date. At Dave & Buster’s this card will cost you $23. It has $20 worth of chips and a $3 card activation fee. If you order it from us it will cost $25 and will be sent directly to you via USPS. Every order helps support our commUNITY building efforts and if you are already going why not at least support us while doing so.
Please note that orders will be sent via the USPS and as such will take a few days to arrive. If you want to arrange pick-up and/or if you have any questions, please contact us at 201-244-6702 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Areyvut means “responsibility” – to each other, to our communities, to the world. Our mission is to strengthen the culture of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity), and tikkun olam (social action) in contemporary Jewish life. We offer programs, services, and resources that infuse these core Jewish values into all stages of the lifecycle, across the entire spectrum of affiliation and observance, and in partnership with the full range of communal institutions.