Yad Ezra V’Shulamit

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit

20 Yoel Street
Jerusalem, Israel 9527043

Miri Schreiber
Volunteer Coordinator/Resource Development Assoc.
02-664-5161 (Phone)
02-532-5875 (Fax)
[email protected]

Description of Organization:

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit works hard to fight hunger through many projects – from our food basket project to our employment desk, children’s centers and our feed-a-baby project we work around the clock to break the cycle of poverty, feeding hungry children and families in Israel. We provide 3,000 food baskets throughout Israel each week and 20,000 on Rosh Hashanah and Passover.

Bnai Mitzvah Projects or Volunteer Opportunities offered by the organization for children ages 11 - 13:

Come help pack food baskets with your friends, family, shul or organization. Make your trip to Israel meaningful. Your time is a gift to hungry kids. Without volunteers, we would not be able to provide over 3,000 food baskets to hungry people throughout Israel on a weekly basis. Our warehouse is located in Jerusalem and our volunteer packing hours are Wednesdays from 10:00am-4:00pm (or throughout the week upon request).

Bnai Mitzvah students are encouraged to join our Bnai Mitzvah Project or Volunteer Opportunities offered by the organization.
Bnai Mitzvah can help Yad Ezra V’Shuamit in the following areas:

* Raise funds for food baskets or sponsor a child in one of the Children’s Centers

* Help package food baskets onsite

* Create and send presents for underprivileged children

* Write and send encouraging letters to the children

Minimum Age to Volunteer:


Offer family volunteer opportunities?
