African Library Project

African Library Project

PO Box 1873
Pittsburg, CA 94565

Isabelle Mussard
650-437-5311 (Phone)
[email protected]

Description of Organization:

The African Library Project changes lives book by book by starting libraries in rural Africa. Their grassroots approach mobilizes U.S. volunteers, young and old, to organize book drives and ship books to start or improve a library in Africa. The African Library Project’s method makes a concrete and personal difference for children and communities on both continents.

Bnai Mitzvah Projects or Volunteer Opportunities offered by the organization for children ages 11 - 13:

Volunteers of all ages collect, sort, and pack gently-used children’s books to ship to specific African communities. They organize book drives in local schools and neighborhoods and raise modest funds to ship the books to our African partners.

Minimum Age to Volunteer:


Offer family volunteer opportunities?
