Action for Post-Soviet Jewry

Action for Post-Soviet Jewry

24 Crescent Street, Suite 306
Waltham, MA 02453

Judy Patkin
Executive Director
781-893-2331 (Phone)
781-647-9474 (Fax)
[email protected]

Description of Organization:

Action for Post-Soviet Jewry (APSJ) works with Jewish communities in the former Soviet Union. They have an active Adopt-a-Bubbe program in over a dozen Jewish communities in eastern Ukraine and also work with communities in Belarus and Moldova. APSJ currently provides assistance to 1,500 Jewish pensioners in Ukraine – mainly food and medicine. Additionally, they also ship donated clothing and shoes to communities in Ukraine and Moldova.

Bnai Mitzvah Projects or Volunteer Opportunities offered by the organization for children ages 11 - 13:

APSJ “twin”s Bar and Bat Mitzvahs with Jewish youngsters at Jewish Day Schools in Ukraine. The youngsters in the U.S. correspond with their peers in Ukraine. They encourage families to collect school supplies and clothing for the Jewish Day School, and medical supplies for the Jewish communities, including a hospital in Russia. APSJ helps with the shipping.

Minimum Age to Volunteer:

No minimum age when a family volunteers

Offer family volunteer opportunities?
