Global Day of Loving Kindness

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We are honored to partner in this critical effort and note that an alumnus of ours is one of the key people organizing this student led effort.  Please plan to participate and to share this Global Day of Loving Kindness with your school, synagogue, commUNITY, family, friends and colleagues.

Proactively do an act of loving kindness.

Post about it on social media. Use #FightingHateWithLove and #DayofLovingKindness in your post and be sure to actively engage others so that your involvement will be amplified.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the downward facing arrow to download the resources that Areyvut developed for this Global Day of Loving Kindness.

To contact the GDLK organizers (and to express your appreciation, gratitude and thanks and/or to share your ideas and ways to help these incredible students) please e-mail and feel free to tell them that Areyvut sent you.

Please note that Areyvut passionately supports every Israel event, program and resource that we post at this time.  To have us list your event, please e-mail us at and provide us with all the necessary information.  Am Yisrael Chai.