When we have an attitude of growth and genuine partnership we can achieve a great deal. Micah Kaufman, an inspirational speaker and person will present to the staff at the Chicago Chesed Fund. He will share his story and experiences. The Chicago Chesed Fund is a model agency and the services they provide (see https://chicagochesedfund.org/our-services/) are ones that each community should offer. Both Micah and the Chicago Chesed Fund actively add unity to the commUNITY and we are excited about them meeting and learning from each others example and leadership.
Areyvut has a long standing relationship with Micah and is facilitating his trip. If you want to arrange to have Micah present at your school, synagogue or community or to arrange another uplifting speaker or Areyvut program, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or [email protected].