Collaborative 2022


June 14, 2022    
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Type

Areyvut is pleased to be attending the Collaborative 2022.

Collaborative, brought to you by Classy, is a two-day experience dedicated to nonprofit professionals.  With fundraising and technology at the forefront of the conversation, they will explore best practices and learn how to leverage the latest technology to raise more and offer in person in Philadelphia and virtual options.  The first day of the Collaborative conference will include compelling thought-leadership sessions, notable speakers and curated experiences to inspire connection with peers.  The second day will feature a closing celebration where you will have the opportunity to build relationships and highlight your achievements and growth.  To learn more please visit and let them know that Areyvut sent you.

If you are attending the Collaborative and want to set up a meeting to explore infusing the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam and learning about how you can work with Areyvut and bring our You Matter campaign, have us coordinate a Day of Service, a Tikkun Olam Tour, Giving Circle or Mitzvah Clowning (Caring Clowning) for your staff, team or community please e-mail us at to schedule a time to meet with us.  If you have family, friends or colleagues attending the Collaborative please encourage them to reach out to us to learn about Areyvut and ways that we can help them actively build unity in their commUNITY.

If you are unable to attend the Expo, but would still like information about bringing Areyvut to your camp and community, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or

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