2019 National Mitzvah Day Chesed Fair


April 7, 2019    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Fair Lawn Jewish Center
10-10 Norma Avenue, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, 07410

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Join Areyvut for a free, hands-on Chesed Fair at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center.

In conjunction with Good Deeds Day and our National Mitzvah Day, Areyvut is once again hosting a community wide hands-on Chesed Fair at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center on Sunday, April 7 from 2:00-4:00 PM.  The family education program is geared for all ages and will have a variety of projects around the theme of Chesed Begins at Home and all projects can be taken home and given to a family member, friend or neighbor.  Project include preparing a yummy and tasty challah that you can make at home, repurposing material to make dog toys, creating a friendship bracelet, bookmark, cork trivet, and a Seder centerpiece.

The event is free.

The first 100 attendees will receive a National Mitzvah Day shirt.

We welcome your help in informing others and making the program a success.

For more information, please contact 201-244-6702, [email protected] or visit www.areyvut.org.

areyvut mitzvah day 2019