Chesed Across Generations @ UOS


January 5, 2025    
9:00 am - 10:00 am


United Orthodox Synagogues
9001 Greenwillow Drive, Houston, TX, 77096

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website builder In honor of Areyvut’s 2025 A Kindness a Day Calendar being dedicated in loving memory of Robert M. Beren, Daniel Rothner, Areyvut’s Founder & Director will have the distinct pleasure of presenting on Chesed Across Generations: Teaching the Value of Kindness at the United Orthodox Synagogues.  The presentation will highlight how chesed powerfully impacts others and the importance of parents and grandparents making it a central value and focus in their teaching and modeling for their children and grandchildren.

Daniel aims to honor Robert M. Beren’s memory and legacy while providing those in attendance concrete ways and suggestions in following his example of active thoughtfulness, kindness and of communal involvement and leadership.

In honor of the occasion and to facilitate kindness and chesed throughout the year, every attendee will be receiving a copy of Areyvut’s 2025 A Kindness a Day Calendar to use as a personal tool and educational resource.

For more information about this presentation, or to speak with an Areyvut representative about arranging a presentation, workshop or Areyvut program in your synagogue, school or commUNITY, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or [email protected].