Tuesday, December 3, 2013
As part of the Westchester Hebrew High School’s Chanukah Chesed Day on December 3, Areyvut will train 35 student leaders in the art of Mitzvah Clowning.
Immediately following the training participants will put into action what they learn and visit with residents at the Schnurmacher Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in White Plains.
After the training, participants will utilize the skills they learn and will continue to Mitzvah Clown and visit those in need of a friendly visit. We are so excited to work with WHHS and Schnurmacher and look forward to a fun, rewarding and meaningful program!
In addition to Mitzvah Clowning, Areyvut helped WHHS leadership coordinate and facilitate several others projects and visits for their schoolwide Chanukah Chesed Day.
For more information on how to bring Mitzvah Clowning or any other Areyvut program to your school, synagogue or community, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or [email protected].