2016 Red Nose Day


May 26, 2016    
All Day

Event Type

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Attention all Mitzvah Clowns! You’ve learned how to apply your clown makeup, create balloon animals and bring smiles to the faces of the elderly and the sick. In short, you’ve made a difference.

Now, you have a chance to make a difference once again. Dust off and put on your red nose and face paint on for Red Nose Day, a campaign dedicated to raising money for children and young people living in poverty by simply having fun and making people laugh. Red Nose Day will be held on Thursday, May 26st, when people across the country will come together to have fun and raise funds and awareness.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to use the Mitzvah Clowning skills you learned in order to bring joy to others once again. We encourage you to participate in Red Nose Day by visiting a local senior center or agencies that helps and works with children and putting a smile on their faces! If you need help organizing a visit, or want to arrange for Areyvut to come present in your school, synagogue or community, please get in touch with Areyvut at social@areyvut.org or 201-244-6702.

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