September 2011



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Bringing Kindness to Communities One Teen at a Time September 2011


A Kindness a Day

Shabbat – September 3, 2011
4 Elul 5771

Make today a “judgment free” day.  Try not to be judgmental of those around you.

“Never judge your friend until you put yourself in his position.
(Ethics of the Fathers 2:5)


FREE Trip to Israel…
Some Restrictions Apply 


Round trip airfare to Israel = FREE
Accommodations in Israel   = FREE
10 life-changing days in Israel = PRICELESS

Birthright-HibbaAreyvut is teaming up with Birthright-Hibba on our first ever trip to Israel and we want you to join us!  If you or someone you know is between the ages of 18 – 26 years old, this could be your chance to join us on a 10 day adventure in Israel that is sure you change your life.

Eligibility Requirements


1. All applicants must be Jewish.

2. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 – 26 by the trip’s date of departure and have completed high school.  (The trip is being scheduled for mid-December or early January, coinciding with the winter vacation of most colleges and universities.)

3. Applicants must not have been on a 5 day or longer peer educational program to Israel since 12 years of age, with the following exceptions:

a. If you have participated in the Maccabiah Games in Israel, you are eligible for Taglit-Birthright Israel-Hibba.

b. If you have been on a March of the Living trip, you are eligible for Taglit-Birthright Israel-Hibba, provided you are 22 years of age by the date of the respective trip departure.

c. If you were born in Israel and moved to the United States before the age of 12 (this means that you have not lived/learned in Israel since the age of 12), and you can provide documentation proving this, you are eligible for Taglit-Birthright Israel-Hibba.

All interested applicants must contact Sharon at or (201) 244-6702 no later than Tues., Sept. 6 at 2pm EST.  For more information, please contact us at


Areyvut’s Queens Mitzvah Clowning Program is Back!

September 25, 2011 – June 3, 2012



Back by popular demand – Areyvut’s Queens Mitzvah Clowning Program!  Join us on Sun., Sept. 25th for our initial training session and site visit.

Learn about the important mitzvah of bikkur cholim (visiting the sick) and the impact you can have on others.

For more information about the initial training session and site visit as well as the schedule for the program year, click here.


Join us on monthly visits to senior facilities throughout the greater Queens area bringing smiles, joy and happiness for those in need.

Registration is now open.  The cost to participate in this program for the entire program year is $250 and includes clown make-up, clown kit, balloons, balloon pumps, lunch at the training and more.  Sponsorships are available.

This program is open to adults and children (4th grade and up).  For more information about this program, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or


Areyvut’s Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest is Back!

Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay ContestDid you create an awesome Mitzvah Project?  Do you actively give back to your community?  Are you inspiring others with your important work?  

We want to hear from you!  Enter Areyvut’s Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest for your chance to win awesome prizes and continue to inspire kids, teens and adults!  Submissions are due by Friday, December 23rd at 4pm.
Click here for more information.

Best wishes for a Shana Tova U’Metuka.
Rosh Hashanah  
Wishing you and your family a Sweet, Happy and Healthy New Year. 


147 South Washington Ave.

Bergenfield, NJ 07621
P: (201) 244-6702
F: (201) 338-2427


Upcoming Events
Labor Day
September 5
September 6
Teaneck, NJ
September 11
Areyvut @ Touro College Career Fair
New York, NY
September 21
Hollis Hills, NY
September 25
September 29 – 30
October 8
October 13 – 19
October 20 – 21
Teaneck, NJ
October 23
Mamaroneck, NY
November 27
December 2011
March 16 – 18


Leah Fuerst
Leah Fuerst
Monsey, NY



Highlight on

Boys Town Jerusalem

Boys Town Jerusalem


“A Kindness a Day” 
Easy.  Free.  Inspiring.
"A Kindness a Day"


 Sign up today!

Give us your name & email address and we’ll take care of the rest!




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