A Kindness a Day
Shabbat – October 8, 2011
10 Tishrei 5772
Pray for a good year for your country, Israel, your family and friends.
“See how high the Holy One, blessed be He, is above His world. Yet a person can enter a synagogue, stand behind a pillar and pray in a whisper and the Holy One, blessed be He, hears his prayer.“
(Yerushalmi, Berachot 9:1)
Date: Fri., Oct. 7th
Time: 10am – 11:30am
(enter on Broad Street)
This program is open to all students from kindergarten through 4th grade. Parents wishing to drop off their children may do so, but must leave a contact number where they can be reached.
Chesed projects include: decorating challah covers, writing letters to Israeli soldiers, creating besamim holders and more!
For more information about this program, or if you would like to help sponsor the program, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or [email protected]. All projects will be sent to recipient agencies locally and in Israel before Succot.
Join Us!
Areyvut’s signature program is back. Join us for a program year of fun, laughs and smiles as you bring joy to those in need.
Training & Kickoff Program Info
Date: October 23, 2011

Time: 8:00am – 12:30pm
Frequently Asked Questions
* Who can be a Mitzvah Clown?
We’re looking for all eager participants. Anyone in 6th grade and older are encouraged to attend. It’s the perfect activity for kids, teens and adults!
* How much does it cost?
$250 covers all fees for the ENTIRE program year including: clown make-up, balloons, balloon pump, clown kit, lunch, giveaways and more!
* What’s the schedule?
* How can I register?
For more information, or if you have questions about Areyvut’s Bergen County Mitzvah Clowning Program, please contact us at [email protected] or (201) 244-6702.
Bringing Chesed Back to the Chagim
Areyvut is always looking for ways to give back and make the world a better place. This is particularly true during the Yamim Noraim – High Holidays.
Do you have suggestions for infusing chesed (kindness) into your holiday celebrations? Share them with us!
Are you looking for ways to infuse your holidays with chesed? Click here.
Help Us Help You
Please remember to include Areyvut in your philanthropic giving. Now, more than ever, we could use your generous financial support. Help us maintain our programs and exceed expectations.
We thank you for your support and consideration and look forward to a meaningful and productive 5772.
For more information on how you can help Areyvut, please contact us at [email protected] or (201) 244-6702.
Wishing you and your family a
Gmar Chatima Tova.
147 South Washington Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
P: (201) 244-6702
F: (201) 338-2427
Upcoming Events
Teaneck, NJ
October 7
October 8
October 13 – 19
October 20 – 21
Teaneck, NJ
October 23
Mamaroneck, NY
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December 20 – 28
Due Date
December 23
March 16 – 18
“A Kindness a Day”
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