November 2007


Areyvut Newsletter


Chesed. Tzedakah. Tikkun Olam. November 2007
In This Issue
Upcoming Programs
Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest
“Kindness a Day” Calendar
President’s Circle

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Upcoming Programs

Teen Philanthropy Institute

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
Tenafly, NJ
November 26:
Application Deadline

December 2-3:


January – June 2008

Monthly Meetings

December 1:

Areyvut-JVibe Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest Deadline

December 12-16:

San Diego, CA
Booth #825

January 1, 2008:

Uncle Moishy Concerts
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
Teaneck, NJ

January 10, 2008:

Group Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
Congregation Or Zarua
New York, NY

January 13, 2008:

Hands On Fair
The Village Temple
New York, NY

March 17, 2008:

Temple Sinai
Denver, CO
Bnai Mitzvah Fair

April 4-6, 2008:




Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest


Make a Difference Day 2007

Don’t forget the deadline for the Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest is fast approaching on December 1. The contest is open to all those in grades 5-9. Click here for more information.


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 A Kindness a Day Banner

Study a Jewish text with a friend so you can learn from one another.

“When two sit together and words of Torah are spoken between them, the Divine Presence rests between them.”  – Pirkei Avot 3:2




“A Kindness a Day” Calendar

“I am impressed with the calendar and look forward to using its many wonderful ideas during the school year!” – Jill Linder, Principal, Judaic Studies, Pressman Academy of Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, California



 2008 Calendar Cover

The Jewish people have always been known for their commitment to the values of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (social justice). But today’s fast-paced lifestyle makes it hard to focus on these priorities.
The Kindness a Day Desk Calendar offers a daily reminder of the fundamental role these values should play in our lives by giving practical suggestions for how to put them into action. Each page of the calendar offers a concrete suggestion for an act of kindness, as well as a quote from a traditional Jewish source connected to the suggestion. It inclues the date from both the Jewish and secular calendar as well as Jewish holidays and United States legal holidays.
The Kindness a Day Desk Calendar is:
                – a great Chanukah gift!
                – perfect for children and adults
                – ideal for use at home and in schools and organizations
                – useful as a guide to help inculcate Jewish values into one’s life
                – a springboard for discussion and study
                – an excellent fundraising tool for schools and organizations
                – a powerful educational tool
We encourage you to take advantage of special introductory prices* that are available for a limited time:
# Calendars                    Price*
under 10                         $10 per calendar
10                                  $85
25                                  $190
40                                  $300
40+                                call the office: (201) 244-6702
* Prices do not include shipping and handling



President’s Circle & Matching & Challenge Grant

The President’s Circle honors some of our most important benefactors and enables us to acknowledge those who make a minimum annual gift of $1,000.  These contributions allow us to allocate funds where they are needed most.  The generosity of members of our President’s Circle supports Areyvut’s basic operation and the programs and resources we develop for the greater community.

The Meyer G. and Ellen Goodstein Koplow Foundation is providing Areyvut with a Matching and Challenge Grant program for the President’s Circle.  The foundation will match funds of $1,000 for the first 25 funders who join the President’s Circle before the end of February, equaling up to $25,000 of additional support. 

This money will account for a significant percentage of our budget and is vital for the continued success of our programs.  Please consider including Areyvut in your year end charitable giving and help inform others about this exciting opportunity to have an impact on the greater Jewish community. 

Your President’s Circle gift can be designated to a specific field of personal interest, allocated to finance our most pressing programmatic needs, or set aside to support general operations.  We would be happy to discuss the various options with you at any time.

Please contact Daniel at 201-244-6702 or with any questions.

Gifts to Areyvut are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.  Your gift can be a one-time annual gift, paid in monthly or quarterly payments.  Also, your employer may offer a matching gift benefit, multiplying the value of your gift.

On behalf of your friends and colleagues who are members of the Areyvut President’s Circle, we thank you for your consideration.