March 2007

Areyvut Newsletter
Chesed. Tzedakah. Tikkun Olam
March 2007
In This Issue
Temple Beth Abraham
“Make a Difference” Day
Personalized Mitzvot
Vote for Areyvut!
Calendar Sale

Quick Links

“A Kindness a Day”


Temple Beth Abraham (Tarrytown, NY)
Bnai Mitzvah Fair

The social hall buzzed with excitement on March 11th as 6th grade students began to anticipate how they might incorporate community service into their Bnai Mitzvah celebrations. Areyvut arranged for the synagogue’s third annual Bnai Mitzvah Fair and the enthusiasm in the room proved that the event was a success.

After a brief introduction on the importance of including social action in a child’s transition into Jewish adulthood, representatives from several local volunteer organizations greeted students and parents and shared ways to become involved in their work. In conclusion of the fair, students and parents had the chance to hear from three students who have done successful meaningful chesed projects of their own.

If you are interested in arranging a Bnai Mitzvah Fair in your community, please contact Daniel Rothner at or (201) 244-6702.



 Sarah Neuman






MADD 2006-2

We invite schools, synagogues, families and community organizations to dedicate their day to helping others. Areyvut’s “A Kindness a Day Calendar: 365 Ways to Make a Difference,” which offers 365 suggestions of how to incorporate tikkun olam into everyday life, is already uniting Jewish communities across the country in an effort to inspire acts of kindness. On “Make a Difference” Day, this effort will be strengthened; thousands of families will turn the calendar’s suggestions into action with the help of educational resources that Areyvut will provide.

When is “Make a Difference” Day?

On March 23rd, 2007, the A Kindness a Day Calendar encourages people to:

“Try to be totally unselfish today.”

Building upon this suggestion, “Make a Difference” Day has been scheduled to take place on Friday, March 23rd.  Synagogues, schools and organizations will be extending the activities throughout the weekend (through Sunday, March 25th) so that everyone can be included in this event.  If your schedule does not permit for you to participate on those days you can still be a part of “Make a Difference” Day and schedule it at a time that meets your needs.

For more information, educational materials and to register, Please visit “Make a Difference” Day



Looking for a Personalized

Understanding that everyone is unique, Areyvut works one-on-one with individual students to design and implement projects that cater to each person’s interests and needs.

One of the central aspects of Areyvut’s Bnai Mitzvah program is helping students and families develop personalized mitzvah projects to incorporate into their celebrations. Throughout the year, Areyvut consults with students and families throughout the country.

Areyvut holds one-on-one and group consultations with Bnai Mitzvah students who wish to develop projects for their bar/bat mitzvah. If you are interested in arranging an individual or group Bnai Mitzvah consultation please fill out our
Bnai Mitzvah Intake Form.



Vote for Areyvut!

We were recently nominated to win an award from Rezoom.  The awards were created to recognize the charities that inspire us to get involved and make the world a better place. is awarding over $200,000 to more than 20 charities across the nation.

Please go to Rezoom and vote for Areyvut today!

In each of 20 regions, the 10 charities with the most votes and 5 charities selected at large will be presented as finalists. From these finalists, regional winners will be selected by an independent panel of judges. Regional awards are in the amount of $5000 each. All award winners at the regional level will qualify for the national award of $100,000.




Calendar Cover  

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Offer Expires: April 1st 2007


The 2007 calendar is great for adults and children, for homes, schools and organizations, both as a guide to help inculcate Jewish values into one’s life and as a springboard for discussion and study.

Click here for an Order Form or call today!
Write Promo Code: MRCHNWZ on the form to save 25% from your total!

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