July 2007


Areyvut Newsletter
Chesed. Tzedakah. Tikkun Olam


In This Issue
Save the Date
Thank You
Calendar Promotion
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About Areyvut
Areyvut in the News
Areyvut in Action
Bnai Mitzvah Projects
Bnai Mitzvah Intake Form

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Save the Date!

August 16-19:
Areyvut in

August 20:
Battle of the Bands
, NJ

August 21-24:
Areyvut in
San Diego

September 23:
Community Service
& Bnai Mitzvah Expo
JCC on the

October 21:
Bnai Mitzvah Retreat
Ansche Chesed

November 8:
Staff Development
NJ Association of Jewish Day Schools

November 8:
President’s Circle Gala

New York City

November 15:
President’s Circle Gala



147 S. Washington Ave
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
Phone: 201-244-6702
Fax: 201-338-2427



Thank You!
We thank those of you who have contributed to our annual campaign for your support.  If you have not yet contributed, you have until August 31st to make your tax deductible gift.  Thank you for your consideration.


Making a Difference One Day at a Time
Save 25% on all purchases!



What is the “A Kindness a Day” Calendar?2008 Calendar Cover

Areyvut’s “A Kindness a Day” calendar is a daily calendar containing 365 suggested activities that exemplify Jewish values.  Relevant Judaic quotes serve as an adjunct to each day’s entry.  Activities are based on such ideals as chesed, tzedakah tikkun olam and character improvement. The 2008 calendar is great for adults and children, for homes, schools and organizations, both as a guide to help inculcate Jewish values into one’s life and as a springboard for discussion and study.


How do I go about following the daily entries?


There is no doubt that many of the sources and activities in this calendar will speak to you on a personal level. Some, however, will need to be adapted to meet your specific needs and individual circumstances.  If you are unable to do a kindness a day, then choose those kindnesses that you connect with. Share your personal strengths and talents with those who truly need them and implement those strengths in to your acts of chesed.  Let this calendar serve as your guide, and use its resources in a way that is comfortable and meaningful to you.


In what way can the “A Kindness a Day” Calendar be used?

  • Gifts for friends, family, co-workers, and educators
  • Your next fundraiser
  • Party favors at an upcoming celebration
  • In the classroom, as a tool to teach kindness
  • Much, much more 

How much does the “A Kindness a Day” calendar cost?

The retail price for the “A Kindness a Day” calendar is $11.95.  But, keep in mind, Areyvut offers special pricing for schools, synagogues, non-profits and bulk orders.  Plus, you get an additional 25% off if you purchase before August 31.

To pre-order your calendar today, please contact us at 201-244-6702 or shiri@areyvut.org


Buy your “A Kindness a Day” Calendar today and discover 365 easy ways to add meaning to your life and to the lives of others.




 Kindness of the Day

Go through your phone book or organizer and call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

-“Be sure to inquire about the welfare of others”

                                      (Avot d’Rabbi Natan 29:7)