Thank You for Your Support
Areyvut is proud to report that we achieved our goal and will be receiving the Meyer G. and Ellen Koplow Matching and Challenge Grant.
We would like to recognize our President’s Circle members for their continued and unwavering support.
Dana & James Adler
Drora & Lior Arussy
Joyce & Fred Claar
Karen & Jeffrey Davis
Marvin Fox – Frost, Ruttenberg & Rothblatt
Joel Gemunder – Omnicare Foundation
Arlene & Joel Goldberg
Debbie & Robert Hartman
Aliza & Bruce Klein
Ellen & Meyer G. Koplow
Melissa & David Levine
Joshua Lookstein
Ilana Kobrin Prager & David W. Prager
Amy & Daniel Rothner
Eric Rothner
Jennie & Avi Rothner
Elizabeth & Gidon Rothstein
Elizabeth & Yosef Rothstein
Raquel & Aryeh Rubin – Targum Shlishi
Judy & Benjamin Schmutter
Erica & Rob Schwartz
Howard Stern
The Tova and Howard Weiser Youth Fund
Leah & Josh Wisotsky
Grunny & Ira Zlotnick
If you would like more information about Areyvut’s President’s Circle please contact Daniel Rothner at (201) 244-6702 or