We received submissions from across the country and earlier this week the judges gathered together to watch the videos and it is my pleasure to announce the winners of this year’s contest. Grand Prize Winner- Mitchell Abrams – New City, NY- “Kids Love Books” Second Place Winner- Marcus Apter – West Hartford, CT- “Let’s Play Continue Reading »
With today’s economy every agency is looking for new ways to raise funds to support their work in the community. Here are some tips that Areyvut developed for a program last year that taught students how to develop a fundraiser and fundraising plan to support a cause. These tips may be helpful in planning a Continue Reading »
Would I consider myself a “party animal”? No. In fact, I don’t even think I’d consider myself “the life of the party” (unless the party is pretty lame). Having said that, there is one night a year that I have usually been able to count on for spending time with my friends and dare I Continue Reading »
Sunday was awesome! Despite several inches of snow we proceeded as scheduled with the Mitzvah Clown Training in partnership with the Young Israel of Teaneck. The training was attended by almost 20 people ranging from middle school students to adults. It was wonderful to see mother and son and brother and sister teams enjoy the Continue Reading »
In this week’s Jewish Week, Julie Wiener has an article about home based tutoring in place of Hebrew school. Based on the article it appears that Areyvut’s Indidivual Bnai Mitzvah Consultations and Bnai Mitzvah programs for schools and synagogues are quite a bargain. She states “In Manhattan, Partners with Parents’ prices range from $125 per Continue Reading »
This activity is adapted from The New Jewish Experiential Book by Ktav. The goals of this activity are to decide on a group social action project for Israel in a participatory fashion and to give participants a chance to “think out of the box” about one action they might take to improve the world. Briefly Continue Reading »
This week marks the start of my second year at Areyvut. What was initially a temporary volunteer position turned into a long term (two years is long term, right?) and paying gig. A lot of people ask me what the best part of my job is and for that, it’s easier to turn to the Continue Reading »
As we prepare for Chanukah, I wanted to provide a resource for educators interested in utilizing Service-Learning in their educational program. Below is a Service-Learning Plan that Areyvut developed for Chanukah that can help educators address Chanukah meaningfully in their classrooms. Possible Themes: Weak vs. Might Power of One Assimilation Miracles Adding light to world Continue Reading »
Last week, I was (ever so gently) reminded that I hadn’t blogged in a few weeks. More than that, I was told to “pick a day” and have that be my regularly scheduled blogging day. It’s not that I don’t love sharing my viewpoints with the world (though I am rather private) or that I Continue Reading »
Every Tuesday, I will be sharing a resource or activity from Areyvut that rabbis, cantors, educators, and professionals in the community can use in the field. I hope you enjoy and welcome your feedback. Bring several recent articles from local newspapers or magazines into class. Show the students each article (in the interest of time, Continue Reading »