At last weeks Seminar on Jewish Teen Philanthropy we had the pleasure of hearing from alumni about how participating in a Jewish teen philanthropy program impacted them. Julianna Storch grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. She attended the Jess Schwartz Jewish Community High School and was a founding member of the Phoenix B’nai Tzedek Youth Philanthropy Continue Reading »
In my vast amounts of work experience, I’ve never sat behind a computer for more than 10 minutes a week- and that was just to fill out a few boxes on a spreadsheet. Since starting at Areyvut a little more than two weeks ago, I’ve done quite a bit of sitting at a computer. I’d Continue Reading »
Are you interested in learning more about Jewish teen philanthropy programs? Are you going to be launching a new Jewish teen philanthropy program? Are you interested in speaking and meeting with experts in the field to get some ideas before your program gets off the ground? Come to Areyvut’s Jewish Teen Philanthropy Seminar! This program Continue Reading »
Each year, prior to the start of the Summer Internship Program, Daniel and I take the time to do some serious spring cleaning. Typically, this results in my finding items that I wondered why I even kept in the first place, and the occasional piece of paper with an important number that I thought was Continue Reading »
Every day, headlines scream about shared services, high taxes and redundancies in service delivery. While our current economic woes have taught us many lessons, perhaps the most significant is that – given our increasingly limited resources – the current model of providing services to residents of Bergen County is just not sustainable over the long Continue Reading »
Today Areyvut convened a group of already existing Jewish teen philanthropy programs to network, share best practices, and move each other and the field forward. At the meeting I presented on curriculum and suggested a different way to look at curriculum and provided several resources that educators could utilize in their Jewish teen philanthropy programs. Continue Reading »
The Seattle Times has an article about young students and how they raise awareness and money for important causes. The article underscores the power and impact of students and the importance of engaging and encouraging them from a young age. This is what Areyvut is all about! Tomorrow we convene a group of already existing Continue Reading »
It’s not often that I have to put up an email reply indicating my “out of the office” status. On a typical workday I find that I am usually sitting behind my desk, or on a rare occassion, sitting in my den with my laptop logged into my work computer. It’s not often that I Continue Reading »
The Washington Post had a great article this morning on a philanthropy course at the University of Maryland. As part of the class the students had to give away $10,000. A few observations: The college students followed the same model we use in Jewish teen philanthropy programs. I have said in the past that Jewish Continue Reading »
I am excited about Hazon’s opening of Makom Hadash, a shared space for Jewish nonprofits in New York City. It is great when we all work together to better serve the community. I wish them great success and hope that Areyvut will be able to open such a space in Bergen County in the coming Continue Reading »