
An ode to the Areyvut Internship

Posted on August 5, 2010

“Kol yisrael areyveim zeh b’zeh,” all Jews are responsible for one another. I have seen this quote along with hundreds of others while I was analyzing Areyvut’s calendars from previous years in order to update the hefty, daunting list of calendar sources. Not only did this task help me become more comfortable using Excel, but Continue Reading »

An Areyvut Intern

Posted on August 5, 2010

I began interning at Areyvut only a week ago, yet it feels like I been here forever (in a good way). This being my first office job I was a little nervous about the dynamics in the office and if I would be able to do this kind of work. One week down and I Continue Reading »

Musings of a Staff Member

Posted on July 30, 2010

Writing something interesting, inspiring or otherwise on the Areyvut blog is not always as easy for me as it seems. Lucky for me, over the course of the summer, I have had a number of incredible interns write for the blog, resulting in my brief hiatus. I figured, since they wrote about their experiences during Continue Reading »

Musings from Another Intern

Posted on July 28, 2010

This past Friday marked the end of Areyvut’s official college internship program. Therefore, I sadly thought my time at Areyvut for the summer had come to an end. Yet here I am, back again. When I was given the opportunity to return twice a week, I just couldn’t stay away. Certain things have changed since Continue Reading »

A Different View on Today’s Kindness

Posted on July 27, 2010

What’s in a kindness? Over the past few weeks the Areyvut staff and interns have been compiling a list of new kindnesses and sources for the 2011 “A Kindness a Day” Calendar. It therefore seemed incongruous to receive a few e-mails throughout the day about today’s kindness. The kindness action suggested for July 27, 2010 Continue Reading »

A Short Tu B’Av Thought

Posted on July 26, 2010

I am pleased to present this thought from our friends at Your Jewish Speech. In Biblical times, on this day (the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Av), the Jewish girls would dress up in white, go dancing in the vineyards, and the men could chose from them a bride, even if they were Continue Reading »

Final Musings of an Intern

Posted on July 21, 2010

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes (or somewhere thereabouts and by somewhere thereabouts I mean quite a bit less than that), five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred moments so dear (and again, I jest when I say that many minutes- I really just cannot see myself spending time calculating how many minutes Continue Reading »

Even Further Musings From an Intern

Posted on July 15, 2010

Just five weeks ago, my summer working at Areyvut began. Just five weeks ago, I gave up sitting around on a bean bag chair with my laptop all day for sitting around on a swivel chair with a computer all day. Similar seats and similar tools being used and similar yet totally different experiences. “What?!” Continue Reading »

Further Musings From an Intern

Posted on July 8, 2010

Though I do adore summer for being a time of no school, I must admit the oppressive heat we’ve had as of late has not been to my taste. To quote Queen Victoria, “We are not amused.” I’m not quite sure I really have a right to complain about the heat seeing as I spend Continue Reading »

Posted on June 30, 2010

Let’s get to know each other better…okay, let’s just get to know me better because, to be honest, this is really rather one-sided, isn’t it? My main projects here at Areyvut involve my doing marketing and fundraising work. Some of this requires my putting together videos with pictures of past events. Personally, I rather enjoy Continue Reading »