
Count Your Blessings & Begin to Change Your Life

Posted on January 3, 2011

Over the last few days the news has been talking a great deal about New Year resolutions. I have seen and heard people address: What did people say they would do? How will people go about achieving their goals? What are the chances they will succeed? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks republished an article that is timely Continue Reading »

Philanthropy Buzzwords of 2011

Posted on January 2, 2011

     Lucy Bernholz gives us the top 10 “Philanthropy Buzzwords of 2011” in her fun and intelligent article detailing a run-down of this year’s trends in the non-profit world.  From “collective impact” to the Twitter hashtag (#), Bernholz recaps this year and reminds us what can be helpful about the items she lists.  Areyvut Continue Reading »

A Kindness a Day Appeal from Areyvut

Posted on December 30, 2010

Every day of the year we provide you and hundreds of other people throughout the world a daily way to incorporate kindness into your life, connect to Judaism and make the world a better place. I hope that you have enjoyed the A Kindness a Day and am asking you to include Areyvut in your Continue Reading »

All a Twitter

Posted on December 29, 2010

In case anyone is keeping track, Areyvut is currently up to 997 Tweets on Twitter.  This means that if we just had our automated “A Kindness a Day” Tweets continue, we would hit the big 1,000 mark on January 1st.  Sort of anticlimactic for us, since we won’t be around to marvel at the 1,000th Continue Reading »

Help Us Serve The Community

Posted on December 28, 2010

I am asking you to consider Areyvut in your year-end charitable giving. 2010 has been a great year at Areyvut. We have done a tremendous amount and directly impacted more than 1000 students while working with more than 110 agencies. With your help, support and involvement Areyvut can do even more in 2011. Areyvut engages Continue Reading »

Areyvut & Annual Benchmarks

Posted on December 27, 2010

At Areyvut, we incorporate an evaluative element into each of our programs. We recently began a visioning process to help us assess our needs, goals, and potential. We have created benchmarks for annual, short term and long term goals. Though it is too soon to determine whether or not we have reached our short and Continue Reading »

Blizzard 2010 & Chesed

Posted on December 26, 2010

Everyone is gearing up for the storm and going to the supermarket to make sure they have everything they need. I have never seen a supermarket as busy as Stop & Shop this morning and I think that the storm provides all of us many opportunities to actively help others and make the world a Continue Reading »

Searching for Tzedakah: What Google Reveals about America’s Interest in Jewish Charity

Posted on December 24, 2010

Ira Kaminow from Tzedakah, Inc. wrote an article entitled Searching for Tzedakah: What Google Reveals about America’s Interest in Jewish Charity that is very interesting. I will let you read it and form your own impressions but want to share some quotes that I found telling: There is more search interest in investigating the quality Continue Reading »

I’ll Share Your Load…If You Just Call Me

Posted on December 23, 2010

Here is a scenario that you can address with your students or children. Middot in Action – Checking in on friends Henry’s dad drove him to school late this morning. They both went to visit Henry’s dog, Kelev, at the veterinarian earlier in the morning. Kelev is sick and has to have an operation and Continue Reading »

I am a Philanthropist

Posted on December 22, 2010

I want to thank Sean Stannard-Stockton for bringing this video to my attention. This is an interesting teaching tool that Jewish teen philanthropy programs, schools, synagogues and youth movements can use to address with their participants and students what philanthropy is all about. I would be interested in seeing these settings use the “I am Continue Reading »