
How We Can Get More Money to Deserving Charities

Posted on December 20, 2011

     In this interesting article, we learn about how people research organizations before they donate to them and what they hope to learn by investigating beforehand. The main helpful tips for nonprofits include: 1) Promoting your results 2) Focus on your outcomes, proving how effective you are 3) Tell your story and show off Continue Reading »

Making a Plan to Make a Difference

Posted on December 19, 2011

     Kara McGuire writes in her very insightful and candid article in the StarTribune, about her tendency to put off all her donation-giving until December with the exception of impulse-giving such as baked sales etc.  She makes the great point to plan ahead so that you donate more money to the charities that mean something Continue Reading »

Children Learn What They Live

Posted on December 16, 2011

If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient. If a Continue Reading »

Why In-Person Socializing Is a Mandatory To-Do Item

Posted on December 14, 2011

     This article shows the benefits of human interaction and that in order to be more creative and make the best products, talking things out, bouncing ideas around, and arguing, are all a beneficial and necessary part of the process.  I believe that our interpersonal relationships and collaborations are what make for great events Continue Reading »

7 Things Highly Productive People Do

Posted on December 13, 2011

The following are “7 Things Highly Productive People Do” from Ilya Pozin’s article with the same name.  The bottom line is to stay focused, stop multi-tasking, and make reasonable goals: 1. Work backwards from goals to milestones to tasks.2. Stop multi-tasking3. Be militant about eliminating distractions4. Schedule your email5. Use the phone6. Work on your Continue Reading »

2011 Tax Alert

Posted on December 9, 2011

The end of the year means many things including Chanukah, spending time with family and reflecting on your achievements and how the world has changed this year. This year, there is a new way to show your support for Areyvut. Tax-free distributions can be made from individual retirement plans for a charitable purpose. This “Charitable Continue Reading »

Giving 2.0: Getting Together to Give

Posted on December 8, 2011

This article highlighting giving circles reminds me of the similarities of giving circles and teen philanthropy programs.  I think the charts are particularly helpful.  The goals of these two models are very similar and I think the more of these programs for people of all ages the better it is for all those involved and Continue Reading »

Engaging Your Network

Posted on December 7, 2011

     Social media is crucial to reaching out to your audience and potential volunteers for your organization.  Deborah Fishman, in her article, writes that a Jewish organization “would do well to focus in on two practically-oriented questions: 1) What do you want your network to achieve? 2) How can your ideal candidate for engagement Continue Reading »

Five Questions to Ask Your Favorite Charity

Posted on December 6, 2011

     Here are “Five Questions to Ask Your Favorite Charity!”   The article is worth reading, but here is a quick run-down of the five questions: 1) Who are you? 2) Can I see your financial statements? 3) How do you spend your money? 4) How do I know you make a difference? 5) Continue Reading »

The 10 Most Charitable Companies in America

Posted on December 5, 2011

     A list of “The 10 Most Charitable Companies in America” has just been released and can be seen here.  It’s truly great to see familiar companies contributing so generously to our communities. The top 10 are as follows: 1. Kroger2. Macy’s3. Safeway4. Dow Chemical5. Morgan Stanley6.Wal-Mart7. Goldman Sachs8. Wells Fargo9. Bank of America10. Continue Reading »