A fantastic article in Forbes, titled, “Five Leadership Lessons from James T. Kirk” allows us to see the amazing things we can learn from the Enterprise captain in Star Trek. Below are some quotes that I found key to being a good leader. “Sure, you might never have to face down a reptilian alien Continue Reading »
Sharon and I just returned from Yeshivat Noam where we launched the 3rd year of Helping Organizations Provide Essentials or H.O.P.E., our Jewish Teen Philanthropy Program. Areyvut has been developing and implementing these programs for several years. The caliber of all the groups and program participants we have worked with has been high but it is clear Continue Reading »
For the last 10 years Areyvut has worked with schools and educators to incorporate more chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam programming in their settings. From the outset the goal of Areyvut has been to ignite a lifelong passion for these core Jewish values by actively engaging students at a young age; however, our success has Continue Reading »
By now most of you have heard -I hope- that the Robert M. Beren Academy High School Varsity Basketball team advanced for the first time to the State Championships. However, since the school is Orthodox and the semi-final and championship games are scheduled for this weekend on Shabbat the school cannot play and will be Continue Reading »
I recently read the Peoplehood Papers 7: Reinvigorating Jewish Peoplehood: The Philanthropic Perspective and am pleased to share my takeaways and reflections. On page 11, Andres Spokoiny, the President and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network, gives an excellent definition of the concept of Areyvut and these ideas and concepts are what Areyvut the agency Continue Reading »
The Philanthropy Journal has an article about how smaller funders give a bigger share of their assets. I think it is important to note that lots of individual donors give a greater % annually of their income or wealth than do members of the Forbes 400. As a society we often get really excited about what Continue Reading »
A great post in Merril Lynch, shows a table of “4 Ways to Support Your Favorite Causes.” The 4 ways are to set up a: 1) Donor-Advised Fund 2) Private Foundation 3) Charitable Remainder Trust & 4) Charitable Lead Trust. See the table on their website for great insight into the advantages and Continue Reading »
Research about foundation giving was recently released. Looking at the 24% donated to Jewish causes reminds me that we must remain active in supporting the Jewish organizations that mean the most to us, enabling them to survive and thrive as best they can. I firmly believe that charity begins at home and that building the foundation Continue Reading »
Chuck English’s article, “Six Pillars of Jewish Day School Marketing,” provides a quick and understandable guide to marketing a Jewish day school but can also be applied when marketing for a non-profit. In his article he writes that “the heart rules the head in most (if not all) decisions. You need to evoke emotional responses through Continue Reading »
I just read an exciting article titled, ” The Campaign for Youth Engagement: A Call to Action.” In his article, Rabbi Jonah Pesner highlights the amazing work that the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) is doing to make sure that Bnai Mitzvah continue to thrive in their Judaism long after their Bar and Continue Reading »