
How Bold Are You? Citizen Philantrhopy

Posted on July 3, 2012

     The following article mentions two fantastic sites: 1) One Percent Foundation and 2) Bolder Giving.  The article highlights how to begin donating money in ways which will help you manage your donations and increase the amount you give over time.  This is a very encouraging article reminding us the ways in which we can Continue Reading »

It Has Become Polite to Be Rude

Posted on July 2, 2012

     In Rabbi Hillel Goldberg’s article, “It Has Become Polite to Be Rude,” he talks about words having lost their meaning and how everything is called “iconic” these days to the extent that we’ve lost our meaning of the word “iconic.”  His point is that we have also done this with the word Tikkun Continue Reading »

Volunteers Are Not Free Labor

Posted on July 1, 2012

     Volunteers are an essential part of Areyvut and we value the hard and meaningful work they put into their service.  Stephen G. Donshik’s article about volunteers is of the utmost importance emphasizing that volunteers should be utilized and appreciated rather than let to do busy work or work that no one else wants Continue Reading »

Who’s the Boss? There Isn’t One

Posted on June 29, 2012

     Behind an interesting article I read recently, is the idea that a company can be extremely successful without a boss overseeing the workers.  At the company Valve, coworkers decide on hiring and paying decisions which are usually done in teams.  There are both upsides and downsides to this idea such as choosing your own hours Continue Reading »

Making the Most of Our Mornings

Posted on June 28, 2012

     I recently read an article titled, “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast.”  The author, Laura Vanderkam, highlights the importance of mornings and the potential they hold for starting our days on the right foot.  In her article she lists 5 ways to make our mornings more meaningful (wow check out that Continue Reading »

Give Running

Posted on June 27, 2012

                                                       In a beautifully written article by Greg Woodburn, the founder of Give Running, an organization that “teaches youth through running, the character traits and skills that serve as Continue Reading »

Needed: A Model of Mutually Beneficial Partnership

Posted on June 26, 2012

     Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer’s article, “Needed: A Model of Mutually Beneficial Partnership,” explores what it means to be a leader, how to foster “leadership in the volunteer and professional ranks,” and how to create better leaders.  I highly recommend reading this and thinking about how we can better our leadership development in the nonprofit world and the world Continue Reading »

Giving Thanks

Posted on June 25, 2012

       “Who is rich?  He who is happy with his lot” (Pirkei Avot -Ethics of our Fathers 4:1).  Our sages tell us this to remind us that it does not take money to make a person rich, but rather his or her gratitude toward G <3 D.  For my birthday, I received a Continue Reading »

Principles for our Leaders to Follow

Posted on June 24, 2012

     Rabbi Chief Lord Jonathan Sacks writes in his article titled, “Principles for our leaders to follow,” that “at the heart of Judaism are three beliefs about leadership: We are free.  We are responsible.  And together we can change the world.”  In his article, Rabbi Sacks provides seven ways to be a Jewish leader and Continue Reading »

10 Traits of a Great Consultant

Posted on June 22, 2012

     Bernard Ross and Sudeshna Mrherjee in their article give 10 traits for being a  “Great Consultant.”  The principles listed are helpful not only for people looking to be successful consultants but also for anyone who is looking to improve their people skills.  We can all benefit from being a good listener, a team player, and Continue Reading »