Two warnings before you continue reading this post: first, this is my first ever blog post so please bear with me, and second, this may come off as cliche but it is simply just the truth. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Shoshana, and I am the new Development Associate Continue Reading »
When “once vibrant Jewish communal” institutions close their doors, it’s definitely unfortunate for everyone involved. This article provides 10 concrete ways in which we can all prevent this from happening, in addition to some hard work. It’s all worth the effort though which definitely beats the alternative.
Oprah magazine features a fantastic spread this month with “4 Ways to Strengthen Your Family.” One of the sections is about letting your children be who they are and observing what they enjoy doing. Rather than trying to get them to explore other interests, we should let them do the things that they themselves enjoy Continue Reading »
The Marshall Memo pointed my way to a very encouraging article about a sixth-grade classroom who confessed to and worked on changing their bullying-behavior. The sixth-grade teacher, David Rockower, wrote his class a letter detailing bullying observations he’d noticed and asked them if they felt excluded this year and what they could do to Continue Reading »
From the Marshall Memo, this article was brought to my attention. The points made are important ones. When teachers believe in their students enough to give them honest feedback, push them to work their hardest, and constantly remind them that failure is a positive part of the learning process, students can attain so much. Continue Reading »
A growing number of donors are resolving to give away most or all of their resources within a defined time frame. With a deadline in sight, donors are more motivated to think about where there money will have the most lasting impact. See more in detail about this here. The following are 6 pathways to Continue Reading »
Communication between funders and and nonprofits, is essential to prevent any possible unforeseen money issues. People really do want feedback and ideas about troubleshooting potential problems. Funders and nonprofits genuinely care to hear what each have to say about the partnership and open communication is key to strengthening the program being funded, etc. This Continue Reading »
People magazine named Matt Labrum a “Hero Among Us” for helping teach his team a lesson. Coach Matt Labrum benched his high school football team when their grades began to slip, they were skipping classes, and were possibly involved in a cyber-bullying incident. All 49 students were benched and were allowed to earn their spots Continue Reading »
Teaching Judaism for the present moment is super important. Wendy Grinberg in her article makes the point that “we have worship services for second graders because second graders are spiritual beings who need an outlet for their own hopes, thoughts, and prayers” not only to prepare them for their upcoming bar or bat mitzvah. When we Continue Reading »
A Jewish version of Shark Tank was a huge success in Atlanta, which was not only good for the grants given out to the entrepreneurs by big-time CEOs, but was also great for the Jewish community there. I would love to know if there are other communities doing similar things. This article is great and Continue Reading »