It’s important to thank those we work with every day, and not just on days such as “administrative assistant’s day.” This article reminds us just how important it is.
With all of the cyber-bullying that goes on among teens and adults alike, this checklist, from Moving Traditions is a good resource for things to think about before posting to a social media site. It’s important to guide our teens and remind them to stay kind even if they think it’s “only” just the internet Continue Reading »
Ora Friedman, one of our high school summer interns is organizing this event and we encourage you to show you support. Come support OneFamily, an organization that helps out Israeli victims of terror! The bake sale will be held tomorrow Thursday, August 14, from 3:30 to 7pm at Congregation Shomrei Torah. Support Israel and satisfy Continue Reading »
This article features 15 quotes from Robin Williams in his movies. The author of the article, reminds us, “plan to remember him not just for the silliness, but for the way his words helped so many of us appreciate life.”
The following are helpful acronyms to teach our children and students so that they can avoid being affected by a bully and help out their friends if the need arises. Actions for the person being bullied:SMILEStay coolMake eye contactIdentify the attack (verbal, physical, etc.)Lead positive conversationErase the attack Actions the bystander should take: HEROHelp out Continue Reading »
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things” Leading and managing are both important aspects of working on group projects in a nonprofit and this article from LinkedIn discusses the differences between them.
The Buddy Bench is a bench anyone can designate at their school playground as a safe place for kids to sit when they’re not playing. Kids off of the bench are encouraged to ask kids on the bench to play and kids on the bench are encouraged to talk to one another. The buddy bench Continue Reading »
Here are the ABCs of safety for children and parents to learn and remember well. It’s a nice and easy way to remember life-saving information. Ask for Help – don’t be afraid to let others help youBring a Friend – don’t go somewhere by yourself; there is safety in numbersCheck First – check with an Continue Reading »
Keeping e-mails to 5 sentences will increase productivity at work and will also improve your chances of getting a reply. Now who wouldn’t want that!? Read more here.
These “35 Great Questions” are important to ask in order to move your company forward. 1) How can we become the company that would put us out of business?2) Are we relevant? Will we be relevant five years from now? Ten?3) If energy were free, what would we do differently?4) What is it like to Continue Reading »