
Take Our Challenge This December

Posted on November 21, 2014

For the last two years, #GivingTuesday has challenged individuals and communities to make the world a better place through generosity. The simple act of giving not only helps others, but also fundamentally connects you to the human family and nourishes a generous community spirit. What does Giving Tuesday mean to you? Take Our Challenge This December!#GivingTuesday Continue Reading »

Areyvut is Hiring

Posted on November 20, 2014

We are thrilled to be adding to our team.  If you know someone awesome who is passionate about chesed, tzedakah, tikkun olam and who is eager to make a difference please encourage them to check out these job descriptions and to apply.  We thank you in advance for your help, partnership and support.Communications & Marketing Continue Reading »

The Global Day of Jewish Learning is Coming

Posted on November 13, 2014

This exciting initiative, is all about the Jewish people uniting in a day of learning about the chosen topic, “Heroes and Villains, Saints and Fools.”  The conference will be broadcast live and you can join in on the action!  Visit for more information.

I Have a Cold

Posted on November 5, 2014

I have a cold. You may be thinking why am I sharing this with you. That’s a valid question. The reason is because we must always treat others the way we want to be treated. At a meeting this morning I informed a colleague that I had a cold and therefore didn’t want to shake Continue Reading »

Bergen County joins Shabbos Project

Posted on October 31, 2014

Areyvut is proud of the role we played in facilitating the local efforts of The Shabbos Project.  Local efforts were highlighted hereand here.  Please let us know if you want to play a role in planning and coordinating the 2015 Shabbos Project events in Bergen County.   

30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class

Posted on October 24, 2014

In this  Edutopia article, Todd Finley addresses a question we all face at one point or another when working with a large group of kids; How can I get them to quiet down?  Whether it’s for the classroom, or volunteer project, these techniques can come in handy (and can even be fun too)!

Shop on Amazon, Support Areyvut!

Posted on October 22, 2014

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Areyvut. Bookmark this link and support us every time you shop.We thank you for your support!

Releasing the Will to Learn

Posted on October 5, 2014

Carol Ann Tomlinson (University of Virginia) provides information about how to build self-motivation in our students and those we work with.  She emphasizes that we need to address their personal, social and academic spheres.  For more information on this helpful information, click here.

Kesher Hadash: Bringing It Home

Posted on October 1, 2014

Sharing what we learn with others is tremendously important.  This article is written by Hannah Grossman, who brought home her experiences at an Israel program (Kesher Hadash in partnership with the Davidson School) to Young Judea’s Camp Tel Yehudah.  She used a curriculum she created while in Israel to bring campers to think about “how / if Israel Continue Reading »

Clenched Fists? Open Hands?

Posted on September 30, 2014

Leadership requires an open mind to suggestions, ideas, and criticism.  Open minded-ness and close-mindedness are discussed in this article from CEO of Ten Thousand Villages Canada, Ryan D. Jacobs.