MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

10850 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Liz Braun
Outreach Manager
424-208-7227 (Phone)

Description of Organization:

Mission Statement: Inspired by Jewish values and ideals, MAZON is a national advocacy organization working to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds in the United States and Israel.
Who is MAZON?
For more than 30 years, MAZON has been committed to ensuring that vulnerable people have access to the resources they need to be able to put food on the table. MAZON is a leading voice in Washington D.C. on anti-hunger issues, especially those that involve populations or problems that have been previously overlooked or ignored.

Why Advocacy?
Our nation’s public policies have lasting effects on the lives of millions of people. By promoting change through advocacy, MAZON seeks to ensure that our elected officials and policymakers understand and consider the needs of the millions of American men, women and children who struggle with hunger.

What We Do:

Work with policymakers to protect and strengthen federal nutrition programs like SNAP (food stamps) and school meals
Confront emerging issues that might otherwise go unaddressed within the national anti-hunger community
Educate communities across the country about the realities of hunger and what we can all do to end it
Partner with like-minded organizations to promote long-term solutions to improve ongoing challenges
Key Priority Areas:
In addition to engaging in broad-based advocacy to protect and strengthen the vital federal nutrition programs that help people put food on the table each day, MAZON prioritizes its efforts in the following areas:

Active duty military families & veterans
Senior citizens
Native Americans
Rural & remote communities
Nutrition & health

Bnai Mitzvah Projects or Volunteer Opportunities offered by the organization for children ages 11 - 13:

MAZON works with individuals to create an appropriate project, but most of their projects involve educating your community, fundraising, or raising awareness of the issue. Examples include: creating a Walk to End Hunger; holding a Hunger Shabbat or Hunger Seder; sharing information about hunger and MAZON in a classroom setting, or something more creative – making a short video, creating an exhibit, etc.; organizing a ‘thon (dance-a-thon, read-a-thon); scheduling an advocacy meeting with your Member of Congress or similar elected, or planning a letter-writing session to a local official. MAZON is there to figure out what’s right for you. (Please note: as an advocacy organization, they don’t have traditional volunteer opportunities that one might find with a direct service organization. They do not have a client-base to which we distribute food, for instance.)

Minimum Age to Volunteer:

4th grade+

Offer family volunteer opportunities?
