Reflections of a Leaving Intern

Posted on July 2, 2009

Hi guys,

Today is my last day interning for Areyvut before I move back to Philly for some fun and exciting classes (yayyy school!). And what a great last day it was…

First, I went through my desk and computer files. That was pretty sad. Afterward, Daniel, Yehuda and I went to a meeting at the UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey to discuss service learning opportunities for students at Jewish Day Schools and Hebrew Schools in the area. Then we dropped Yehuda off at the office and continued to Poppy’s for an exit interview held over a delicious lunch. It was a pretty fitting way to end the internship, as the entire staff went to Poppy’s for lunch on the very first day of Camp Areyvut.

All kidding about Camp Areyvut aside, I’m really happy that I can look back on the past four weeks with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. We were able to accomplish a lot, both as individuals and as a united group. We learned a lot about chesed opportunities in New Jersey and around the world, and we were exposed to fascinating individuals from a wide range of philanthropic organizations. Though I’ll be missing a large chunk of the internship program, I’m grateful that I feel I was able to make a difference (shoutout to Flo – MADD).

I look forward to keeping in touch with Areyvut, Daniel, Sharon, Yehuda, Emma and Flo. Thanks for a great month, and I can’t wait to hear about everything you accomplish without me.
