Yom Ha’atzmaut Resources

Posted on April 20, 2010

In honor of Yom Ha’atzmaut I want to highlight a few Israel related resources that can be utilized throughout the year.

Areyvut partners with many Israeli based agencies to help schools, synagogues and communities help and support Israel. I encourage you to select an agency, contact them and see how you can help Israel and make a difference today.

Our good friends at The Lookstein Center have numerous resources including Israel related educational materials and Yom Ha’atzmaut program ideas.

Toldot Yisrael is a wonderful organization that is preserving the stories of the founders of the State of Israel for future generations by recording video testimonies from those who were part of this era.

These resources can and should be used, not only today to add meaning to the holiday, but anytime that you are looking to address Israel.

Chag Sameach!