Earth Day Resources

Posted on April 21, 2010

Tomorrow, April 22, is the 40th annual celebration of Earth Day, and there are many opportunities for meaningful projects that focus on some aspect of conserving and/or protecting the environment. You can find resources to help with your celebration of Earth Day (and to use year round) from Areyvut, JNF, Canfei Nesharim, Hazon, COEJL, SOLV, the EPA’s Earth Day page and the Earth Day Network. At these sites you can find, photos, videos, podcasts, lesson plans, activities, project ideas and other media and tools to help with your celebration of Earth Day.

Learn and Serve America’s National Service-Learning Clearinghouse has resources that can be helpful in planning an Earth Day service-learning project or an environmental service-learning project any time of the year: One example is Environmental Service-Learning Resources is a go-to source for anyone looking for up to date information on environmental service-learning and includes definitions of environmental education, curriculum and resources, assessment guides, research and technical papers and relevant websites.

On Earth Day we spend time learning about ways to protect the environment and dong something concrete to actively make the world a better place. It is important to remember that while Earth Day only happens once a year we should incorporate this ideas and do something on a regular (read: daily) basis.

Happy Earth Day!