Seminar on Jewish Teen Philanthropy

Posted on June 3, 2010

Are you interested in learning more about Jewish teen philanthropy programs?

Are you going to be launching a new Jewish teen philanthropy program?

Are you interested in speaking and meeting with experts in the field to get some ideas before your program gets off the ground?

Come to Areyvut’s Jewish Teen Philanthropy Seminar! This program is aimed at assisting individuals and institutions new to the field of Jewish teen philanthropy and addressing issues that may arise during one’s first program year.

The following is a confirmed list of presenters and their topics:

Introduction to Jewish Teen Philanthropy, Stefanie Zelkind, Jewish Teen Funders Network
So what is Jewish teen philanthropy anyway? How do Jewish teen philanthropy programs work, and what does it take to get one started? This session will provide an overview of the growing field, highlight “promising practices” culled from the 85+ Jewish teen philanthropy programs throughout North America, and break down the key components of a successful program.

The Parent Toolbox: Helping parents nurture their teen’s interest in Tzedakah, Ellen Israelson, Jewish Communal Fund
This session will offer information to help you empower parents to reinforce and enhance the learning you provide to their children in your tzedakah and chesed initiatives. It will cover some practical steps for establishing giving as a family tradition including, dos and don’ts of charitable giving, how to create a family or teen charitable fund, planning a charitable budget and interweaving giving with other family activities.

Site Visits, RFP & Allocations, Alan Sweifach, UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey
How do we conduct a site visit? What is the best way to evaluate an RFP? How can we ensure that everyone’s voice is heard during the allocations process? This session will address all of these and related issues to help you make these core components more meaningful and successful.

Text Study & Jewish Philanthropy, Shira Hammerman, Areyvut
We will learn Jewish texts, see how they relate to teen philanthropy and teach concrete ways of using the texts to infuse your program with Jewish content.

Spreading the Word: PR, Marketing and Recruitment, Mike Baczynski, Geri Dawes, Deborah Herr & Tom Murphy, 3-D Communications & WSI
We are starting a new teen philanthropy! Now what should we do to spread the word? Learn about the various aspects of marketing a teen philanthropy program including a brochure, ad and application, direct mail, media, social networking and branding.

Jewish Identity in the Age of Facebook, David Bryfman, Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York-SAJES
Cyber social networking is integral to Jewish teen identity today. Whether we are enthusiasts or skeptics, understanding tools such as Facebook and Twitter, are vital for anyone wanting to understand teenagers today. This session will explore teen identity in a cyber era, ways in which the Jewish community has both leveraged and avoided these technologies, as well as strategies to deal with safety related issues on these online social networking platforms.

Choose Your Own Adventure, Celeste Albert, Jewish Community Youth Foundation
How many times do we need to meet? What type of staff do we need? What is the best way to communicate with the participants and their parents? How long should sessions be? This session will explore the basic questions and components you need to address as you build your teen philanthropy program.

Date: Thurs., June 17
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location: UJA Federation of NY
130 East 59th St.
New York, NY 10022
Cost: $65.00 ($75.00 after June 14th)

(Cost for program includes a kosher catered breakfast and lunch.)

Online registration will only be available through June 14th. All registrations made after June 14th will have to be paid in full on the day of the seminar.

For more information about the program, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or [email protected].