Musings from Another Intern

Posted on July 28, 2010

This past Friday marked the end of Areyvut’s official college internship program. Therefore, I sadly thought my time at Areyvut for the summer had come to an end. Yet here I am, back again. When I was given the opportunity to return twice a week, I just couldn’t stay away. Certain things have changed since last week and certain things have not. For example, Glee music still plays in the office and gold stars are still awarded. However, there are new really awesome interns. If any of the previous interns are reading this, don’t hate me. You guys are really awesome too. In fact, I should mention how strange it is without all of you here. Ilana, I keep waiting for you to throw the green ball across the room and almost hit my head. Mollie, I’m currently sitting at your desk, but your bright red waterbottle is nowhere to be seen. Aliza, I keep expecting a secret email from you only to remember that you’re not my desk neighbor anymore. However, I’m still very happy to be back at Areyvut. Now instead of sleeping in and watching TV each day, I can at least be productive two days a week. Also, I’m especially glad I’ll be in the office on Mondays, which means I get to attend Staff Meetings. We always play fun games at these meetings, such as Jeopardy and Family Feud. My only issue is that I have never won one of these games during the seven Staff Meetings I have attended so far. This is particularly problematic because the winner always gets a cool prize. However, now I have a chance to redeem myself. But in all seriousness, I’m glad to be continuing at Areyvut. The work done here is important, but fun all the same. It’s pretty much the best combination.

One event I’m very excited about is Areyvut’s super fun night coming up on August 25th at Space Odyssey in Englewood, NJ. It’s basically a combination of the greatest activities ever. I mean, how cool is it to be able to do glow-in-the-dark bowling, laser tag, and paintless paintball in the same day at the same place? Not to mention the indoor playground, basketball court, and arcade. For $30.00, that sounds like a good deal to me. Register now and you’ll have a day of fun coming up this month. For more information, and to register, please go to I know I wouldn’t want to miss out, and we hope to see you there!