An ode to the Areyvut Internship

Posted on August 5, 2010

“Kol yisrael areyveim zeh b’zeh,” all Jews are responsible for one another. I have seen this quote along with hundreds of others while I was analyzing Areyvut’s calendars from previous years in order to update the hefty, daunting list of calendar sources. Not only did this task help me become more comfortable using Excel, but I also believe that during the process my eyes were either damaged or strengthened. It’s only a week and a half in and I already appreciate this opportunity of interning at Areyvut for the following reasons:

Daniel and Sharon were oozing with cheer
Though Aliza and I entered with fear
Very soon after we understood our mistake
For fun and learning we were about to partake

Spinning chairs, a welcome sign
Certificates of recognition, how divine?!
A productive and sweaty trip to Supplies for Success
Aliza is a stupendous driver, I must confess

Watching the chabbad rabbi
Stroll in the parking lot
We are encouraged to leave
At 3:30 on the dot

Bathroom and lunch breaks
Are always welcome
Staff meetings on Mondays
Are truly awesome

Daniel, Sharon, Aliza and I
Enjoyed together the last two weeks in July
But when Becky Sanders came along
Our team became extremely strong

Humor and laughter you can always expect
Any project at hand we will never reject
Daniel and Sharon are really fantastic
No wonder Aliza and I are so enthusiastic