Areyvut & Annual Benchmarks

Posted on December 27, 2010

At Areyvut, we incorporate an evaluative element into each of our programs. We recently began a visioning process to help us assess our needs, goals, and potential. We have created benchmarks for annual, short term and long term goals. Though it is too soon to determine whether or not we have reached our short and long term benchmarks, the visioning process has helped us clarify our purposes and think about our future. We will continue to put our benchmarks and other evaluative tools into play so that we can fully understand the impact of our work. We will also continue to be transparent and to share this and other relevant information with you on a regular basis.

In the interim, I am pleased to report that we have reached our annual benchmarks including:

  • Engaging 200 families which we did through our Bnai Mitzvah Fairs, “Make a Difference” Day, A Kindness a Day Calendar and other programs.
  • Involving 100 participants in cross-denominational programs which were able to do through Mitzvah Clowning, our Seminar on Jewish Teen Philanthropy and presentations at conferences.
  • Worked with 115 organizations, agencies, and institutions. You can see a detailed list below of agencies we worked with directly but please note that this list does not include a) the A Kindness a Day Calendar which is distributed daily to 500 people, many of whom use the calendar as an educational resource with their students, congregants, colleagues and families, b) the educators and lay leaders who attended Areyvut’s presentations at conferences and c) the agencies highlighted in the Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest.

Here are the schools, synagogues and agencies that Areyvut has directly impacted in 2010 through our programs:

  1. Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV)- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  2. American Cancer Society- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  3. American Friends of Leket Israel- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  4. Bat Torah- Mitzvah Clowning
  5. Bears from Bergenfield- Bnai Mitzvah Fairs
  6. Beit Issie Shapiro- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  7. Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  8. Bet Hayeled- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  9. Boys Town Jerusalem- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  10. Bright Side Manor- Disney Give a Day, Mitzvah Clowning
  11. Bronx Jewish Community Council- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Mitzvah Clowning
  12. Canine Companions for Independence- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  13. CareOne at Teaneck- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Mitzvah Clowning
  14. Carleton College- “Make a Difference” Day, Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  15. Center for Food Action- Disney Give a Day, “Make a Difference” Day
  16. Central Synagogue- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation, Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  17. Chai Lifeline- Bnai Mitzvah Fairs
  18. Cherish Our Children International (COCI)- Bnai Mitzvah Fairs
  19. Central Agency for Jewish Education (St. Louis)- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  20. Cleveland Jewish News- Article
  21. Community FoodBank of New Jersey- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Disney Give a Day, “Make a Difference” Day
  22. Congregation Agudath Achim- “Make a Difference” Day
  23. Congregation Beth Chaim- Presentation
  24. Congregation Shomrei Emunah- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  25. Daughters of Miriam- Mitzvah Clowning
  26. Demarest Middle School- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  27. Emunah- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  28. Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF)- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  29. Friendship Circle of Bergen County- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Jewish Teen Philanthropy, Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  30. Frisch- Mitzvah Clowning
  31. Gift of Life- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  32. Grandparents for Social Justice- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  33. Habitat of Humanity of Bergen County- Jewish Teen Philanthropy, Summer Internship Program
  34. Hadassah- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  35. Hazon- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  36. Hebrew Free Burial Association- Bnai Mitzvah Fairs, Summer Internship Program
  37. Helping Hands Food Pantry- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  38. Herzl/RMHA- “Make a Difference” Day
  39. Hollis Hills Jewish Center- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  40. Holy Name Hospital- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  41. Jaffa Institute- “Make a Difference” Day
  42. JCC Rockland- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  43. Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA)- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, “Make a Difference” Day
  44. Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services (JBFCS)- Conference, Mitzvah Clowning, Presentation
  45. Jewish Center of Teaneck- Disney Give a Day, Mitzvah Clowning
  46. Jewish Communal Fund- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  47. Jewish Community Centers of Chicago- “Make a Difference” Day
  48. Jewish Community Youth Foundation- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  49. Jewish Education Project- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  50. Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Greater Mercer County (JFCS)- Jewish Teen Philanthropy, “Make a Difference” Day
  51. Jewish Family Service of Bergen & Northern Hudson- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Disney Give a Day, Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation, Jewish Teen Philanthropy, “Make a Difference” Day, Summer Internship Program
  52. Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)- Article
  53. Jewish Teen Funders Network- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  54. J-Hi-TEQ- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  55. JOFA- Article, Conference, Presentation
  56. Levine-Sklut Judaic Library & Resource Center- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  57. Livnot U’Lehibanot- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  58. Lookstein Center- Article
  59. Ma’ayanot – Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  60. Magen David Yeshivah- Mitzvah Clowning
  61. Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago- “Make a Difference” Day
  62. Martin J. Gottlieb Day School- “Make a Difference” Day
  63. Metropolitan Council on Jewish- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  64. Moriah- Mitzvah Clowning
  65. Moving Traditions- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  66. New Jersey Association of Jewish Day Schools (NJAJDS)- Conference, Presentation
  67. Netivot Shalom- “Make a Difference” Day
  68. North American Conference On Ethiopian Jewry (NACOEJ)- Bnai Mitzvah Fairs, Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  69. North Shore Hebrew Academy- Bnai Mitzvah Program, Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  70. Northern NJ Juvenile Diabetes- Mitzvah Clowning
  71. Ohel – Bnai Mitzvah Fairs
  72. Orthodox Union- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  73. Otsar- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  74. Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education (PEJE)- Conference
  75. Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  76. Project Ezrah- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  77. Queens College- Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  78. Ramaz- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  79. Ravsak- Article
  80. Reuth – Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  81. Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation, Mitzvah Clowning
  82. Rutgers- Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  83. SAR Academy- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultations
  84. Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  85. Shaare Zedek Medical Center – Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  86. Shaarei Torah- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  87. Shalom Baby- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  88. Sharsheret- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  89. Shelter Our Sisters- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  90. Shulamith- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  91. Sinai- Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  92. Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union- “Make a Difference” Day
  93. Solomon Schechter School of Westchester- “Make a Difference” Day
  94. Temple Beth Sholom- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  95. Temple Emanu-El (Closter)- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation
  96. Temple Emanu-El (Westfield)- Presentation
  97. Tenafly Nature Center- Summer Internship Program
  98. Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC)- Mitzvah Clowning
  99. United Hebrew- Mitzvah Clowning
  100. UJA-Federation of New York- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  101. UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation, Mitzvah Clowning
  102. UJA/Federation Westport-Weston-Wilton-Norwalk- Jewish Teen Philanthropy
  103. Volunteer Center of Bergen County- Bnai Mitzvah Fair
  104. Weinbaum Yeshiva High School- Jewish Teen Philanthropy, “Make a Difference” Day
  105. Westchester Day School- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation, Mitzvah Clowning
  106. Westchester Fairfield Hebrew Academy- Mitzvah Clowning
  107. Westchester Hebrew High School- Mitzvah Clowning
  108. Yeshiva of Central Queens- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultations
  109. Yeshiva University- Presentation
  110. Yeshivat Noam- Bnai Mitzvah Fair, Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultations, Jewish Teen Philanthropy, Mitzvah Clowning, Summer Internship Program
  111. Young Israel of New Rochelle- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultations, Mitzvah Clowning
  112. Young Israel of Scarsdale- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultations, Mitzvah Clowning
  113. Young Israel of Teaneck- Individual Bnai Mitzvah Consultation, Mitzvah Clowning

Please let me know if I missed your school, synagogue or agency.

As you can see, we achieved a lot in 2010. With your help, support and involvement Areyvut do even more in 2011.