Posted on January 4, 2011
Towards the end of each year the Areyvut office begins to flood with videos, or DVDs to be more precise, as we begin to receive entries for our Annual Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest. I have to admit, each year, this contest restores my faith in today’s youth as the students who enter are all taking action and doing remarkable things in their communities, regionally, nationally and globally.
This year’s crop (or at least the videos I’ve viewed already…side note: sending in positive feedback about this blog won’t help with your chances of winning…I’m not a judge) has students that hail from as far away as California and as close by as New York City. The projects that these students are engaged with range from working to alleviate pediatric cancer, sending comfort items to soldiers serving overseas to raising funds for an organization that provides financial assistance to those in developing countries.
As I mentioned, unfortunately, Daniel won’t let me vote…perhaps because I get too attached to some of the videos, or perhaps because I might influence the judging panel just a little too much. Regardless of the reason, I wish all of the participants much luck in this contest and continued success with their Mitzvah Projects. They, their family and friends should feel very proud of the work they have taken on and the accomplishments they have achieved.