Shared Value (Everybody Benefits!) and a Fellowship Program in the Works!

Posted on February 18, 2011

     According to the Harvard Business Review, “shared value” can be defined as “policies and operating practices that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in the communities in which it operates.”  So basically both parties involved benefit from what is taking place.  The article about shared value mentions that thinking in “shared value” terms isn’t common, but we hope to be the change.  Here at Areyvut, we help you help others and we are so proud of everyone who has come here with ideas and passion when voicing all the good they want to do.  You benefit as well as the people that you help and we are extremely happy to be a part of your chesed and philanthropic life.
     One of the ideas we’ve been thinking about for our organization is to begin a fellowship program.  Our fellows would potentially be working with communities and synagogues to create projects, run fundraisers, as well as directly work with Areyvut thus maximizing the impact they can have on the community they will be placed.  The fellows will have the opportunity to work directly with the people whom they are helping and will be able to greatly impact the life of the community and the Jewish community for the better infusing new ideas and resources wherever they are stationed.  When the fellows work with us and the synagogues, everybody gets to share in the benefits and create positive change.  We believe in shared value and the power and potential which it can hold for the future!  If you are interested in helping us plan or fund our fellowship program, please contact us at (201) 244-2602 or email us at [email protected].  Together we can create something of real lasting value.