Tweeting for a Cause

Posted on March 8, 2011

I am the first one to admit that I am no Twitter expert.  Though, even in my self-proclaimed amateur status I have somehow managed to learn how to schedule automated tweets to be sent out…something I am particularly proud of.  While I am not one of those people who sits on Twitter all day pouring through each new tweet, I do check a few times a day, with a particular interest in a few individuals and organizations.

I find that Twitter is remarkable in that it can connect you with virtually (pun intended) anyone…at least anyone with a Twitter account.  As a nonprofit organization, it is a great way to get up to the minute information about other local, regional, national and international nonprofits.  It can also be extremely entertaining to see the juxtaposition of one tweet next to another in your timeline.  But perhaps what is most fun for me is characterizing the tweets, or rather the people they come from…

There is the list of people that I actually know…it’s a short list…quick shout out to chaimshapiro from Touro College (great time at the Career Fair last week!), raqueleve (who hasn’t updated her tweets in nearly a year…no kidding) and molliefeldman (who proudly proclaims that she “likes sweet potatoes”).

Then there are the Twitter feeds that we follow because I find the icon or the the name of the Twitter feed funny.  These would include: pulseonbusiness (the icon is a picture of Michael Scott from The Office!), yidlids (yes, it tweets about hats) and my all time favorite theawkwardtweet (which points out all those awkward moments you’ve no doubt experienced, but were too ashamed to acknowledge).

And finally there are the tweets that make you think…about where you live or work (bergenation)…about the true impact celebrities can have (looktothestars)…about vacationing (deltaassist)!

Happy Tweeting…and please feel free to follow us @areyvut!