Can You Spare It?

Posted on June 15, 2011

On Wednesday, June 22, 2011, Areyvut will be having a Bowl-A-Thon to support the H.O.P.E. (Helping Organizations Provide Essentials) Program at Yeshivat Noam.

Over the last few months a select group of 7th grade students from Yeshivat Noam have participated in the H.O.P.E. Program.  The students participated in nine fun-filled sessions where they learned as much as possible about philanthropy and its importance in the community.  Working collaboratively with their peers they determined what type of, and more specifically which organizations should receive funding.  This program allows each individual student the opportunity to make their own unique contribution.  The camaraderie between the students was remarkable and throughout the sessions we could see tremendous growth and maturity.  Students learned crucial life long lessons and values that will change their lives forever.  Most notably, they learned how to give money thoughtfully, funding and engaging in the community.

Initially, the Areyvut staff exposed the students to various non-profit organizations.  It was then up to the students to decide which specific organization they would like to fund.  This past year the students donated $2,200 to two organizations.  Chai Lifeline, which caters to children with cancer and other life threatening illnesses received $1,590.  The Butterflies Program of Valley Health, an in-home hospice care program for children, received $610 in funding.

There was a great deal of positive feedback:

“I now realize the massive amount of help that people need, and how important it is to help them.  I loved the feeling of making a difference and can’t wait to continue doing it throughout my life.  H.O.P.E. has truly inspired me to make a change, and I can’t wait to inspire others.” -Rachel S.

“When I first heard of H.O.P.E. I knew it was for me.  Donating money made me feel that I made a difference…Both organizations clearly needed the money and that is what our group did.” -Jonah G.

It was an unbelievable success and can only continue with your help!

We need you!

With your help we will be able to continue this vital and instrumental program.  It will drastically change the lives of so many young and impressionable Jewish teens.  As well as, inculcate in them such fundamental values which they could use for the rest of their lives!

Thank you for your time and consideration in reading this letter.
We look forward to seeing you at the Bowl-A-Thon!