Global Hunger Shabbat & 18 Days of Action
Posted on September 16, 2011
The AJWS has an amazing program called the Global Hunger Shabbat & 18 Days of Action to promote food justice and tikkun olam. In 2010 the AJWS had nearly 200 communities participate in the event and this year can be just as successful!
For more information on ending hunger and creating awareness in the community about what we can do to help, visit this
link. May we always think about the line from Tehillim (Psalms) which we recite in birkat hamazon (grace after meals) which states that “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread
.” May we never let children, or anyone for that matter, go hungry and may we do all we can in our power to help.