Summertime Chesed – Inspired by Water and by Aish!

Posted on June 6, 2012

Just as water provides life, so does the Torah

     I just watched an awesome video on youtube that made me extremely proud to be a Jew and happy for the chesed that we do for one another.  Aish sponsored a day in which they had students give out bottles of water to tons of people around the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem!  We can all do something nice for someone and this act of chesed gave people much to smile about.  Whether it’s giving your mail woman or mail man a cup of water on a hot day, staying hydrated yourself, or donating money to the JNF (Jewish National Fund) so that they can help Israel fight the years of drought, there is much we can do in our lives to help our neighbors.  Let’s celebrate the approaching warm summer months with equally heart-warming chesed!