Girls Who Run the World

Posted on June 7, 2012

Samantha and Joey – Girls Who Run the World!

     In addition to the title of this post being a catchy lyric from a fun Beyonce song titled “Run the World (Girls),” it also describes many young girls who have decided to actively make a positive difference in the lives of others. posted an article a few weeks back titled, “Celebrations: Party on! Girls Collect Dresses to Help Others.”  It’s always exciting to see people reaching out to those in their community and the two girls the article features, Joey Fradkin and Samantha Pearlstien, do just that.  Being 13 and having attended tons of bat mitzvahs (I remember having one every week), Joey and Samantha had many dresses they’d worn to the various parties.  Deciding they “wanted to provide the same for girls whose parents don’t always have the means to treat them to a new dress for every occasion” they created a joint bat mitzvah project called Dress It Up.  Starting with collecting lightly worn or new dresses that people donated, the two girls set to work on creating a party for a group of girls around their age.  The first party was for sixth-grade girls who had the opportunity to choose their dress (which they could keep afterwards!) and have their hair done by a professional stylist.  Once the dresses are donned and the hair styled, Joey and Samantha throw the girls a party complete with music, food, and speakers who talk about a topic such as nutrition or having a positive self-image.  I for one am inspired by these girls and plan on telling my friends in California about it so they can donate dresses!  The Dress It Up website provides the dress drop-off locations (they also take dresses that are mailed in), and provides the address for any monetary donations which are certainly welcome.  These two powerhouses plan on keeping their bat mitzvah project running even after this year is over.  As Joey said, “We are young now, but it will only become a bigger project.”  Areyvut applauds the work of these two thoughtful bat mitzvah ladies who have taken the joy they’ve had at bat mitzvah parties and allowed for other girls to share in that same joy.  May we all gain inspiration from these two young ladies and all the young leaders in the world remembering that you’re never too young, too old, or too anything, to do good.  Who run the world?  Girls!