Making Connections for Future Alumni and Donors

Posted on June 18, 2012

     This article gives great insight for Jewish day schools on being in touch with alumni and encouraging them early on to be philanthropic individuals.  In the article, “a program in Los Angeles spends an entire trimester (12 weeks) teaching its seventh graders about all aspects philanthropy: how philanthropy works, the Jewish traditions of giving and how they are different from other traditions, exposure to local philanthropists, and a final project in which the class actually gets to put their learning into practice as they donate $2,000 worth of gifts to causes they determine themselves.”  Areyvut has been teaching children in Yeshivat Noam about philanthropy recently and so we 100% subscribe to this method of helping our youth and connecting with them.  Other aspects of the article discuss the alumni networks raising however much they can, with amounts such as $10 and $18 being collected, and having another person match a large collected sum.  This article offers great tips for anyone in the nonprofit world.